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100 word challenge

The rain slashed the ground. The thunder shook the clouds. The lightning lit up the sky. My hot chocolate quenched my mouth. My curious eyes followed the storm on its rampage. In the flash of lightning i saw a nest fall from a nearby tree. I immediately stood up.I slid on my red gumboots and ran outside. I peered inside the nest. A small brown bird was curled in the corner of the nest. I scooped up the bird without hesitation. And ran back inside. I nursed the tiny wee bird in my arms. Its pleasant tweets warmed my heart.

100 word challenge

My heart raced. My forehead sweated. Lightning flashed. I grasped my duvet tight as i shivered in fear. I hated storms. Slowly my courage got stronger, i peeped out my window. In a flash of lightning i saw her. My dead sister. ”No No” tears streamed down my face. A blanket of grieve swept over me. I couldn’t help but gaze at her lonely bed were she once slept. I pushed my body out of my bed and ran to her bed where i curled up in her duvet and stuffed my head in her pillow. Thats where i stayed.

100 word challenge

My limbs flapped loose as i fell down the hole. I landed with a thud on the stripy red and white floor. My bones ached. Where was I? Random sculptures filled the hallway. But one centred them all. It was a hamburger with newspaper hands clutching it. How weird? I forced myself up and faced the sculpture. I felt a surge of magical power push through me all of a sudden my legs bobbed of the ground! ”Mum come down this hole you’ve gotta see this” I yelled. I heard another thud. ”Whats this?” my mum asked ”its called magic!”

100 word challenge

My blue bike brushed up the orange dust. I was adventuring down to the river to collect some water for my village. As i neared the river banks i heard a strange growling. I walked my bike over to were the growling was and parked it within the banks. My legs trembled as my eyes came to a halt looking into the eyes of a crocodile. Its wide fleshy mouth snapped at me. My legs collapsed the mud pulled my knees down. My arms flapped around trying to pull my body up. The crocodile waddled forward. This was the end…..

100 word challenge

I stared at the brown slop. I wouldn’t say my mouth watered. My hands shook as I pulled my fork towards the brown slop. It’s watery texture made it wobble on my fork. My closed mouth opened the brown slop was getting closer. I just couldn’t eat something so disgusting. However, my hand shoved the the brown slop in. ”How is it?” asked my mum ”omg that’s the best thing I’ve ever tasted” I yelled I immediately ate more my mouth bulged with brown slop. ”Can I have more?” I chuckled ”of course” my mum scooped more on my plate.

100 word challenge

I scampered into a small compact room. The slime dripped through the old roof. Its sickening green colour made my stomach turn. I gazed at the little pig that had followed me in. It gave me a confident look and wiggled its tail. The strong aroma of mould filled the room. It had all happened when the kings maid had cast a physco slime beast on our happy little village. I could feel the wet sticky slime pulling at my ankles. The room was starting to fill. The pig was shrieking. I scooped it up. Thats when the slime invaded.

HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

writing part four read all

Vivian’s hands were filled with blankets her hair was matted and looked like it needed a wash after all she had been trying to get me to behave all day. My eyes were red and swollen My hair wasn’t much different to Vivian’s. ”We are gonna be fine” i said kindly Vivian pause ”we are gonna be ok.Right?” I said……

writing part three read all

”My mother? well my real mother died years ago but my new mother is well horrible” this time i couldn’t hold back the tears they flooded down my face. I felt Vivian arms clutch me but i shoved them away i could feel my body erupt inside. I hated Vivian. I hated the war. I hated everything. Hours rushed by and i kept crying. Vivian had left by now. Red marks tattooed my arm that made me cry even more ”sweetheart stop now please its late you need sleep” cried Vivian ”NO take me home to my dad” i screamed ”honey the bombs there coming lets get into the shelter you need to come” now she yelled and i knew i shouldn’t reply i just followed her The shelter was a small and compact…

writing part two read all

Thats when i fell. My body flew through the air my hands braced for the impact. Although my hands didn’t make it they curled and twisted. I screamed the rest was a blur. I could remember a mother and a baby running toward me. Then i remember waking up in a pure white bed. With a stranger beside me well the woman that saved me ”hello there you broke your arm and your pinkie finger” said the woman softly ”what no um who are you” i whispered ”oh yes you did brake your arm sweetheart i’m vivian go back to sleep” Her voice echoed in my head as i drifted back to sleep. The next morning i woke in the same bed. This time i got out of bed and explored the room and hallway was covered in rose wall paper ”oh sweetheart your up do you have a mother?” Vivian asked ”Yes i have a mother she’s just…

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